Saturday, March 12, 2011


During Christmas Eve dinner I received a phone call from Su Wood the Rotary Outbound Coordinator that I would be going to Sweden next year. Although there were many steps leading up to this point. It started at the end of my junior year when I originally began to think that I wanted to be an exchange student. I thought about it over the summer A LOT and at the end of summer I decided to start the process to become an exchange student. One part of becoming an exchange student is the application, it took a lot of work to complete. The application is very long, it's 15 pages, it including having an up to date physical and dentist visit. Also a tuberculosis test and multiple doctor signatures. Since this application can be so complicated we had a conference call with the rest of the future outbound exchange students from our district to discuss the application. After the conference call it took a couple of weeks to get the application done. Then we had a meeting where some Rotarians went over the application and interviewed my parents and me about how we would be able to handle having me be an exchange student. The interview went great and I had a few issues to fix with the application but I fixed them and sent in the four copies of my application to Su. When I sent in my application I had to pick three possible countries that I wanted to go to. I originally had Sweden as my 1st pick Norway as my 2nd and Poland as my 3rd. Unfortunately Norway was not an option because I would have been two months to old. So my final picks were Sweden, Poland, and Romania. A few weeks later on Christmas I found out that I was going to Sweden.
I am very excited that I am going to Sweden and that I am very thankful that I was able to have this opportunity due to the Rotary Club and my local Farmington Rotary Club. Over the next several months I will be posting about my experience leading up to my exchange, including the multiple meetings, homework, and reports that I'll be doing. I'll also use this blog to report about my exchange trip to Sweden.
Well that's everything leading up to receiving the news of where I'm going and I'll try to keep updating. Wow I can't wait to go!

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