Sunday, March 20, 2011

Current Events March 19: Nuclear Power Storage Proposal

Due to the current issues in Japan with their nuclear power issues, Sweden has been focused on their own nuclear power. I read two articles one from The Local and one from Stockholm News, which are both Swedish news websites. In the Local there was an article about a recent pole that was done about Nuclear power in Sweden. The Pole found that 64% of 750 interviewed Swedes opposed the idea of installing a new Nuclear power plant in Sweden. Currently 50% of Sweden's energy comes from 10 reactors from three different power stations, and the is a starting controversy over whether these power stations should still be used.

The article from Stockholm News discussed Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. plan for Nuclear waste storage. The report was just recently released right after the Japan Nuclear issues. Their proposal is to store 8000 tons of used uranium in copper pipes 500 meters underground. Apparently the copper pipes need to be able to stay intact for 100,000 years and critics are worried that these pipes will not be able to contain the uranium for that long.

I personally agree with those 64%, nuclear power is a solution and it is great that it currently powers 50% of Sweden, but it takes so much energy to build a Nuclear power plant. It takes 7 years for the nuclear power plant to provide enough energy to restore the energy it took to make it. Seeing as most nuclear power plants only last for 15 years, that 7 years is just a little under half of its life time. Since wind turbines only take 6 months of running to restore the energy it took to make it. Wind turbines last for about the same amount of time so I think it is a much better solution then nuclear. Also it was really bad timing to release this plan at this time, they should have waited a little bit before releasing the report. Along with the issue of not having a way to store Nuclear waste, and the Obama administration just canceling a plan to store nuclear waste in Nevada, it is not the right time for nuclear power.

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